Gender Pay Gap Report

Our mission: To be the nation's most loved neighbourhood restaurant

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We are Team Players
We are Adaptable
We are Results Driven
We have GRIT

Gender Pay

Why do we do it?

Government legislation introduced in 2017 requires all companies employing more than 250 people to publish an annual report on their gender pay gap.

This reporting measures the difference in average pay of men and women (regardless of role) across the business.

The purpose? To highlight the gap and ensure we can put plans in place to get rid of it if there is one.

The reporting year 2021 - 2022 is the first year Megan's is required to report.


We report on the following metrics

  • 1. % of men and women in each earnings quartile
  • 2. Mean (average) gender pay gap (hourly pay)
  • 3. Median gender pay gap (hourly pay)
  • 4. Mean (average) bonus pay gap
  • 5. Median bonus pay gap

The figures are based on our payroll data the the snapshot date (5th April).

Total employees

Gender split

On the snapshot date, Megan's employed a total of 605 people, of which 306 were female (50.6%) and 299 were male (49.4%).
Notably, our support office function (incl: director level roles) is made up of 62% females.

Gender Pay Gap

Mean gender pay gap (hourly pay)

The mean pay gap was 3.75%, which means the average female employee earnt less than their male colleagues

Gender Pay Gap

Median gender pay gap (hourly pay)

The median pay gap was 2.96%, meaning male employees earnt more than our female employees.

Bonus pay gap


At the snapshot date, 10% of all employees had received a bonus in the previous 12 months. Split by gender, 56% of male employees received a bonus compared to 44% of female employees

Bonus pay gap

Mean bonus pay gap

The mean bonus gap was 71%, which means the average female employee earnt less bonus than their male colleagues in the reporting year 2021-22

Bonus pay gap

Median bonus pay gap

The median bonus gap was 88%, meaning male employees earnt more than our female employees

    Pay Quartiles

    When reporting on our pay gap, we split our employees into four pay quartiles

    • 1. Upper
    • 2. Upper Mid
    • 3. Lower Mid
    • 4. Lower

    The gender splits in the pay quartiles is as illustrated.
    We have more men in the upper pay quartile, this is predominantly due to 78% of our kitchen leaders being male.

    Closing the Gap

    Having highlighted the gap, we know there are a number of things we can do to help us close of gender pay gap, some of which we have already put into practice:

    Training and Development
    We are committed to creating opportunities and developing our talented team. Our training and career pathways are being upgraded and will be a key tool in increasing the number of women into leadership roles. We have already seen an increase in women entering management roles, notably as Head Chefs, General Managers and an Operations Manager

    Bonus Structures
    We have reviewed our bonus structures to ensure they are accessible across all roles.

    Support office appointments
    Since the snapshot date we have appointed 5 females into senior leadership position within our support office function

    Have any questions? Get in touch with our team today

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